6 Seriously-Incredible Benefits Of Almonds


Did you almond is a super-nut? No, really! Not only are almonds a tasty treat, but they’re also packed with vitamins, minerals, proteins, fibers, and other important substances which promote a healthy life. 

Here are 6 benefits that come from almonds, and why you should add them to your diet today:

1. Great Source Of Antioxidants

Almonds are a great source of antioxidants, which help protect you against stress that can make you more vulnerable to aging and diseases. Plus, most of the antioxidants can be found in the brown layer of the skin.

So, if you’re looking to take the edge off of stress, and prevent aging and disease, then look to these great-tasting nuts!

2. Prevents Heart Problems

Healthy fatty acids (i.e. monounsaturated acids) are essential to heart health, and almonds offer them. These substances, along with the antioxidants, help protect your heart, as well as the entire cardiovascular system. Thus, almonds can help you reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and having a heart attack. These nuts are even recommended to lower the amount of LDL cholesterol, which is bad for your health. 

3. Improves Skin

Want to improve the health of your skins? The good news is, you can with almonds!

Almonds also promote healthier skin by being a great source of vitamin E and antioxidants, which fight free radicals and reduce inflammation in the skin. These nuts contain high amounts of the following:

  • Epicatechin
  • Catechin
  • Quescetin
  • Isorhamnetin, AND
  • Kaempferol

Those antioxidants fight the damage produced by UV rays, pollution, and poor diet on your skin. 

4. Helps Control Blood Sugar

Since nuts are low in carbs but high in healthy fats, protein and fiber, almonds are no exception. In fact, almonds can be eaten to help control blood sugar, making them a great snack for people with diabetes.

Plus, almonds contain high levels of magnesium, which is responsible for controlling blood sugar. With the current RDI for magnesium being 310–420 mg, about 2 ounces of almonds will give you 150 mg of that mineral. Therefore, almonds are great for anyone suffering from metabolic problems and type 2 diabetes.

5. Promotes Brain Health

You can say that almonds are “brain food.” Why? Because almonds contain high concentrations in riboflavin and L-carnitine, which prevent cognitive decline and support healthy neurological activity. As you consume almonds, you’ll soon notice a reduction of inflammatory problems in the brain. 

Elders and adults with a high risk of developing cognitive diseases (e.g. dementia and Alzheimer’s disease) can especially benefit from consuming almonds, since the nuts promote more brain health. Whether they’re consumed daily, or at least several times per week, make it a habit to consume almonds.

6. Helps Control Appetite

Since almonds contain high amounts of fats and fibers, you don’t have to worry about being tempted to reach for the potato chips. In fact, consuming almonds can promote weight loss by helping you control your cravings and prevents overeating. How is that? Almonds contain fats and fibers (along with other vitamins and minerals) that make you feel full faster than other foods. Plus, they can keep you energized for the day, since they’re high in calories.

According to recent studies, almonds support a healthy metabolism, which means that weight loss is guaranteed in people who eat them, versus those who don’t eat them. Plus, people who often snack on almonds instead of other foods tend to have lower obesity rates, and they’re less likely to overeat carbs. This is especially beneficial for women, because a 2003 study has showed that those who ate almonds for six months saw a reduction in their weight and their BMI, versus women who didn’t eat almonds. 


As you can now tell by these 6 benefits, almonds are an ideal snack to have, if you want to be in better health. In fact, you won’t find many snacks that have more health benefits than almonds have.

Even if you’re not a big fan of almonds (or nuts, in general), there’s nothing wrong with sneaking them into your diet. Better safe than sorry, right? So, after reading this article, why not give some almonds a try, the next time you’re hungry for a quick snack? Make sure to pick some up the next time you’re at the grocery store!

Ashley Halsey is a writer and editor at Luckyassignments.com. As a professional writer, she has been involved in many projects across the country. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, giving talks in business courses, reading novellas, and spending time with her two children.