Author Archives: Benjamin Rotholtz

Why do we age— gene, mutation and wear and tear

In our past posts, we discussed two predominant theories of aging—oxidative damage caused by free radicals and age-related natural hormonal decline. This post will cover a few remaining theories on aging. The genetic theory of aging: Anecdotally, we’ve all noticed that some people age better than others. A few weeks ago, I was at a […]

Why do we age— the free radical theory of aging


Human age—this fundamental rule of life is for the sake of species survival; and no —no one can stop it.  Yes—we all know this at an abstract level.  However, when it comes down to the individual level, none of us wants to age.   For me personally, it’s really just about feeling great and looking great […]

Understand Aging: what is aging and why do we age

intake contributes to healthy aging

Well, like it or not, we age. Many things have been tried to delay the aging process. To successfully do that, we first need to understand what is aging and why do we age. The first sign of the aging often shows up on our skin – oh, don’t we hate that! Skin is the […]

The Importance of Sugar

“Sugar” is essential for life on Earth. It can be found in nearly all food sources. What is “sugar”, where does it come from, and (this may seem like a strange question to ask) what is it used for. This blog post attempts to answer these questions. What is sugar The term “sugar” is generic. Most of […]

Gummy is a Perfect Delivery Formulation for Nutraceuticals

Cut through the noise

Are you overwhelmed by the number and types of vitamins and supplements in the grocery aisle? Have you ever found yourself looking over the numerous products wondering which one is right for you? Are you curious whether the vitamins you take are effective? How do you know if nutrition information you find on the web is accurate? With […]

Seattle Gummy Seeks Patent Protection on Proprietary Formulations

SEATTLE, Washington − Seattle Gummy Company (SGC), a Seattle Washington based nutraceutical and pharmaceutical company, filed seven patent applications on the company’s proprietary formulations. SGC is an R&D focused developer and manufacturer of gummy nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals.  The company was founded with the philosophy that individual diets have unique supplement and neutraceutical needs.  The company […]