Tag Archives: Seattle Beauty™ Tip

Seattle Beauty™ Tip: Drinking flower teas for radiant skin from the inside out

rose water

I am a big fan of flower teas. I like the taste of flower tea, the aroma of it, and the look of it. Nothing beats the peaceful moment when I curl up on the couch with a glass of flower tea inhaling the steaming flowery aroma and watching the pink petals slowly sink to […]

Seattle Beauty™ Tip: Fight aging and diseases with ginger


At the Seattle Gummy’s lab, scientists often try different flavor combinations for the new products in the pipeline. Every once in a while, we office folks will get a batch of products with different flavors and are asked to vote for the best flavor. And, every single time, ginger flavor wins! Originated in Asia, ginger […]

Why do we age— the free radical theory of aging


Human age—this fundamental rule of life is for the sake of species survival; and no —no one can stop it.  Yes—we all know this at an abstract level.  However, when it comes down to the individual level, none of us wants to age.   For me personally, it’s really just about feeling great and looking great […]

Understand Aging: what is aging and why do we age

intake contributes to healthy aging

Well, like it or not, we age. Many things have been tried to delay the aging process. To successfully do that, we first need to understand what is aging and why do we age. The first sign of the aging often shows up on our skin – oh, don’t we hate that! Skin is the […]