Tips for safe and effective strength training

Strong muscles are important for the health of not only one’s body and minds but also the quality of life.  One way to keep muscles in shape is with strength training. When performing muscle-strengthening exercises, it is very important for have the right postures because wrong form can do more harm than good.  Below are some guidelines to help you to avoid injury and keep your program on track.

  • Always warm up and cool down properly.
  • Use proper form to avoid injuries and maximize gains.
  • Breathe out when you are lifting or pushing; breathe in as you slowly release the load or weight. Never hold your breath while straining.
  • Don’t lock your joints; always leave a slight bend in your knees and elbows when straightening out your legs and arms.
  • Don’t be so eager to see results that you risk hurting yourself by exercising too long or choosing too much weight. Remember to rest muscles for at least 48 hours between strength training sessions.
  • If you’ve been sick, give yourself one or two days off after recovering. If you were ill for a while and try to get back to your routine, start with lighter weights or less resistance when you first resume exercising.
  • Strength training exercises should not cause pain while you are doing them. If an exercise or movement causes significant pain, stop doing it! When performing an exercise, stick with a range of motion that feels comfortable. Over time, try to gradually extend that range.
  • Listen to your body and cut back if you aren’t able to finish a series of exercises or an exercise session, can’t talk while exercising, feel faint after a session, feel tired during the day, or suffer joint aches and pains after a session.

Happy exercising.

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