Our Story
Dr. Connie Wan is no different than any other parent who has struggled to get a little kid to take medication during a bout of sickness. She fumbled with syringes and syrups and worried whether the proper measurements had been made and dosages consumed.
A better way…
Not satisfied with the way we administer medications, Connie sought to find a better way. After seeing gummy vitamins during a visit to her local Costco, it clicked: “Gummy has been a candy formulation for centuries, this is a great formulation for drugs.'”
Gummies are the perfect format because as they are chewed and dissolve slowly in the mouth the compounds absorb quickly through the oral mucosa rather than getting destroyed in the stomach or filtered out by the liver like traditional pills, tablets, and syrups.
Performance Gummies
We quickly realized the technology we developed for pharmaceutical gummies could be adapted for non-medical performance needs. As a result, we launched our functional gummy business with three performance categories: Energy, Sports, and Wellness. Whether you need a quick energy boost (Mocca Shots), maximize your training (Energon Qube), or improve your immunity and complexion (Wellness), our gummy formulations contain the highest concentrations of active compounds available.

Why hasn't it been done before?
- Active compounds and medications taste terrible. Traditional gummy vitamins are made by simply adding vitamins to gummy candy. However, high concentrations of active compounds can’t be masked with sugar alone.
- The solution requires a deep understanding of bio- and polymer chemistry and pharmaceutical science. SGC’s scientists developed Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) complexing technology that isolates the unpleasant taste of compounds while improving absorption and bioavailability.
What sets SGC apart?
Our patented formulations are the fastest way to get active compounds into the body.
Over 65 Patents
SGC develops key technology around drug delivery, API-complexing, controlled-release carbohydrates, and OTC & prescription medications.
Functional Delivery
The mouth is lined with thin tissues and ample blood supply. When gummies are chewed, active ingredients absorb directly into the bloodstream and circulate quickly throughout the body.
Novel Gummy Matrix
SGCs complexing technology combines active compounds into a novel gummy matrix with the desired texture, stability, solubility, and taste profile.
Power of pairing
Well-versed in both Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and pharmaceutical science, CEO Connie Wan incorporates ingredients that work synergistically for optimal performance.
Manufacturing Capabilities
We start at the molecule level and build from there compared to other gummy manufacturers who start from candy and add ingredients.