Category Archives: Beauty

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Seattle Beauty® Tip: top ranked skincare herbs


  Through thousands years of herbal use, Chinese herbal doctors have accumulated precious experiences on skincare herbs. For example, the “Compendium of Materia Medica” alone has listed more than 165 herbs for beauty and skincare purpose. In this post, I am introducing you to six most common and well-recognized skincare herbs. Any of these herbs […]

The detrimental effect of mental stress on health

We are in an over-stressed society. Stress activates the sympathetic nervous system’s fight-or-flight response — our built-in mechanism for safely escaping a life-threatening emergency. Our bodies have not quite caught up to the modern era, so our brains are unable to distinguish between the stress of a lion chasing us and the stress of a […]

Seattle Beauty® Tip: herbal mask for acne-prone skin

Peeled horse chestnut 25 g, butter 2 g, beewax 1g, avocado oil 20 g, Glycerol 7g, plantain seeds 0.8 g.   Add water to bring the total mixture to100 grams. Pulverize the mixture with a blender to make a paste with a soft consistency. Plantain seeds are a well-known Chinese herb. The popularity of the herb […]

Seattle Beauty® Tip: achieve a healthy and rosy complexion with longan fruit

Longan fruit is a common Chinese herb prescribed to women for its blood warming and beautifying effect. The fresh fruit is juicy and sweet with a round black shiny seed inside surrounded by white succulent pulp. Because the fruit resembles the eye of legendary dragon, hence the fruit is named “Dragon’s eye” in China. Dried […]

Vegetarian diets twice as effective in reducing body weight

peach mango

Dieters who go vegetarian not only lose weight more effectively than those on conventional low-calorie diets but also improve their metabolism by reducing muscle fat, according to a study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. The study was conducted by the researchers at the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in Washington DC. […]

Seattle Beauty® Tip: try healthy and plant dye for stunningly beautiful hair


Back in college years, I went through a “red hair” phase – I was fascinated by my friend’s warm red hair gleaming beautifully in the sunlight and had decided to dye my naturally black hair to red.  That was the first time I used a chemical dye – I could still remember the chocking chemical […]

Seattle Beauty® Tip: Moisturizing and Skin Brightening Herbs

In today’s blog, let’s look at the following top ranked moisturizing and skin brightening herbs from Chinese herbal medicine. All of these herbs have been extensively used in China both for medicinal applications and as everyday food items. You should be able to find these herbs in your local Asian grocery stores or a number […]

Seattle Beauty® Tip: Anti-aging and Wrinkle Removal Herbs


In this post, let’s look at a few top ranked anti-aging and wrinkle removal herbs based on Chinese herbal medicine. All of these herbs have been extensively used in China both for medicinal use and as food. You should be able to buy these from many online stores.  Just copy paste the herb name into […]

Seattle Beauty® Tip: Midnight snacking makes you more susceptive to photo-aging

TV snacks

I am a night owl — meaning midnight snack is a must. Various surveys showed that about 20-30% of the US population operates on a night owl schedule. If you are a night owl who plans to sunbath the next day, you might want to think again before reaching for that midnight snack bowl. A […]

Seattle Beauty® Tip—adopting a scientifically sound skincare regime for a problem free skin

We spend a lot of money on skincare products – and there are plenty of those to spend money on. From anti-aging serums to acne medications, many of us apply various lotions, creams and medications to our skin. Have you ever wondered if the sequence in which we apply skin care products influence how well […]