Tag Archives: cognition

Leg stretching helps to prevent heart diseases and diabetes

athlete pre work out

A research shows that 12 weeks of easy-to-administer passive stretching helps improve blood flow by making it easier for the arteries to dilate and decreasing their stiffness.

Higher coffee consumption associated with lower risk of early death

Higher coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of death, according to research presented by researchers from Hospital de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain at ESC Congress. The observational study in nearly 20,000 participants suggests that coffee can be part of a healthy diet in healthy people. The study was conducted to examine the association between […]

Caffeine boosts enzyme that could protect against dementia

Caffeine boosts enzyme

What do the research studies reveal about caffeine and dementia? Caffeine has well-known short-term stimulating effects on central nervous system, but the long-term impacts on cognition have been less clear. Scientists from Indiana University (IU) just gave those of us, who live on coffee and tea, another reason to enjoy that steaming cup of mocha. […]

Cocoa flavanols improve symptoms for coronary artery disease

A study published on the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) found that high concentrations of cocoa flavanols decrease blood pressure, improve the health of blood vessels and increase the number of circulating blood-vessel-forming cells in patients with heart disease. The findings indicate that foods rich in flavanols — such as cocoa products, blueberry, and […]

Meditation showed lasting cognitive gains even seven-year later

Women resting her eyes from no sleep

A study led by researchers at the University of California, Davis, Center for Mind and Brain reported that gains in the ability to sustain attention developed through intensive meditation training are maintained up to seven years later.  The results of the study were published in the Journal of Cognitive Enhancement.  The Shamatha Project examines the effects of […]

Exercise supports mental fitness

A healthy body is home to a healthy mind: sporting activity can improve cognitive performance. However, there are many different types of sports and a wide range of exercises and trainings. Which type and how much exercise will keep your mind in top shape? This is the question that has been explored by researchers at […]

Dark chocolate consumption reduces stress and inflammation

A research from Loma Linda University shows there might be health benefits to eating certain dark chocolate.  Findings from two studies show that consuming dark chocolate that has a high concentration of cacao has positive effects on stress levels, inflammation, mood, memory and immunity. While it is well known that cacao is a major source of […]

Caffeine use may offer relief for millions with dry eye

What is Dry Eye Syndrome? Dry eye syndrome is a common eye condition affecting about 4 million people age 50 and older in the United States. For many, dry eye syndrome is simply uncomfortable and annoying, but for others it escalates into a vision-threatening disease.  Dry eye syndrome involves malfunction of the rate of tear production, […]

Caffeine shown as effective at reducing exercise-induced asthma symptoms as an albuterol inhaler

An Indiana University (IU) study found that the ingestion of caffeine within an hour of exercise can reduce the symptoms of exercise induced asthma (EIA).   The caffeine study involved 10 asthmatic subjects who had EIA, in a randomized, double-blind double-dummy crossover study. The volunteers ingested 3, 6, or 9 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of […]

Caffeine improves sport performance in addition to endurance

gummy squad application

Caffeine and carbohydrate combination improves sports performance as well as endurance There are plenty of research that shows that caffeine and carbohydrate improve endurance.  But the question remains – does caffeine and carbohydrate combo actually pose improve skill and performance?  The answer is yes according to research by a performance nutritionist at Sheffield Hallam University.  Along with improvements […]