Tag Archives: exercise

Exercise just ten minutes a day makes a difference in cardiovascular health

Getting more energy

One hallmark of modern technology is the creation of sedentary lifestyle since we no longer need to hunt for food in the forest like our ancestors did. Many of us sit in front of the computer all day working and typing away. Coincidentally, occurrence of metabolic diseases such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases has […]

How a Gym Buddy Can Encourage You to Exercise More

gym buddy

Ever wonder whether a gym buddy could make you exercise more? Researchers at the University of Aberdeen wondered the same and decided to carry out a study to figure this out. It turned out that finding an exercise companion increased the amount of exercise that people took. The amount of exercise was increased even more […]

Exercise not only makes you stronger, it makes you smarter too

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Exercise not only makes you stronger, it makes you smarter too

Smart up your brain with aerobics at any age

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As we all find out eventually, we lose a bit mentally and physically as we age.  But, it’s never too late to lace up some sneakers and work up a sweat for brain health, according to a study published by a group from the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada in Neurology®, the medical journal of the […]

Jogging and walking are among the best exercises to keep off weight gain

Obesity is a serious public health challenge in modern society leading to many metabolic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular conditions.  Extensive researches have shown that obesity results from interactions between lifestyle and a person’s genetics.  Specifically, certain individuals are predisposed to be gain weight due to their “obesity gene.”  To combat obesity, doctors often recommend exercise, but […]

A single workout session can activate your metabolism for days

A fascinating study from scientists at UT Southwestern Medical Center could provide some motivation to get moving, even just occasionally. The research has revealed that a single workout can positively affect the activity of neurons in the brain that influence metabolism for up to two days. The research focused on a subset of neurons in […]

Better cardiorespiratory fitness leads to longer life

Exercise does pay off.  In a paper published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Network Open, Cleveland Clinic researchers have found that better cardiorespiratory fitness leads to longer life, with no limit to the benefit of aerobic fitness.  In the case of elite performers, the researchers have found that the elite performers had an 80% reduction in mortality […]

Exercise extends disease-free lifespan


We all know the great many benefits of exercise.   A study by researchers at the Westmead Institute for Medical Research, Australia, further revealed that exercise cuts risk of chronic disease as we grow older.   Specifically, Australia study shows that people who engaged in the highest levels of total physical activity were twice as likely to avoid […]

Exercise is more effective than diet to maintain weight loss

A study, published in the March 2019 issue of Obesity, from the University of Colorado Anschutz Health and Wellness Center (AHWC) at the CU Anschutz Medical Campus revealed that physical activity does more to maintain substantial weight loss than diet. The study looked at successful weight-loss maintainers compared to two other groups: controls with normal body […]

Exercise just ten minutes a day makes a difference in cardiovascular health

One hallmark of modern technology is the creation of sedentary lifestyle. Many of us sit in front of the computer all day working and typing away.  Coincidentally, occurrence of metabolic diseases such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases has skyrocketed.  Of course, modern sedentary lifestyle is the first to get blamed. However, I have always wondered that […]