Tag Archives: health

7 Dishes to Make A Student Smarter and More Attentive

Guest post Student years can turn out to be overwhelming because the number of tasks and knowledge to gather is enormous. And you might start thinking about how you can focus better, find your flow, and be more attentive. You might start wondering if you can become smarter because this will help you face study […]

Obesity may lead to poor sleep quality

Slump & Stay Energized

A growing body of research has shown the link between obesity and sleep loss.  However, it was unclear the “chicken and egg” relationship between the two – does sleep loss result in weight gain, or does weight gain lead to poor sleep quality? A study in PLOS Biology suggested that it is not the sleep loss that leads […]

Regular tub bathing may reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease

Regular tub bathing is linked to a lower risk of death from heart disease and stroke, indicated in a long-term study published online in the journal Heart.  And the higher the ‘dose,’ the better it seems to be for cardiovascular health, with a daily hot bath seemingly more protective than a once or twice weekly one, the […]

Too much salt weakens the immune system

By now, we all know that too much salt is bad for you – too much salt consumption raises blood pressure and increases the risk of heart attack or stroke.  Five grams a day is the maximum amount of salt that adults should consume according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO).  It corresponds approximately […]

Connection between stress and autoimmune disease affirmed by research


We’ve all experienced stress manifesting in physical symptoms. For example, you may notice that your allergies or asthma get worse when you are stressed. You may wonder whether the stress from work is making the allergy or asthma attack worse. Wonder no more: a massive study spanning 30 years of data and examining over one […]

Strengthening Your Relationship Through Exercise

Did you know that the perfect training partner could be one who can offer you emotional support, rather than strictly practical? The benefits of exercising with a partner (or even a larger group) have long been discussed. From the motivational benefits to the opportunity to learn new techniques and making sure you never miss a session – all […]