Tag Archives: Healthy Living

Building a strong core with overall exercise plan

Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy

The core is the mid section of your body including the torso muscles and their corresponding ligaments and tendons.  It is in this section that all sport and functional movements originate.  Core muscles allow you to control your center of gravity, which has a direct impact on balance and posture.  Strong core muscles make it […]

Eating leafy green at least one serving a day may slow down brain aging

According to a study conducted by Chicago’s Rush University Medical Center, just one serving of leafy green vegetables per day could help preserve memory and thinking skills as we get older. Specifically, the research seems to suggest that following such a diet may slow brain aging by up to 11 years. The study involved 960 […]

Slow bone loss with weight-bearing exercise

We all have the experience of seeing our grandparents, over time, literally shrink in front of our eyes. The shrinking is caused by the loss of muscle mass and bone loss as people age. Most adults achieve their peak muscle mass during their late 30s to early 40s, after which time a gradual loss of […]

Green tea may ameliorate memory impairment, brain insulin resistance, and obesity

Matcha Green Tea from Seattle Gummy Co.

A study published in The FASEB Journal, by researchers from Northwest A&F University in China suggests that EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate), the most abundant catechin and biologically active component in green tea, could alleviate high-fat and high-fructose (HFFD)-induced insulin resistance and cognitive impairment. Previous research pointed to the potential of EGCG to treat a variety of human diseases, […]

Fast food agitates the immune system and causes long-term systemic inflammation

The immune system reacts similarly to a high fat and high calorie diet as to a bacterial infection. This is shown by a recent study led by the University of Bonn. Particularly disturbing: Unhealthy food seems to make the body’s defenses more aggressive in the long term. The body’s inflammation response stays super active long […]

Exercise can beneficially alter the composition of your gut microbiome


Two new studies led by researchers at the University of Illinois have delivered the first clear evidence that the composition of gut bacteria can be changed by exercise alone. Designed to isolate the effects of exercise from other factors that could influence gut bacteria, these dual studies build on an increasing body of evidence affirming […]

Want to lose weight? Don’t eat before exercising

Those who exercise to lose weight often wonder whether it’s better to eat or fast before a workout. A new study published in the American Journal of Physiology — Endocrinology and Metabolism is the first of its kind to show the effects of eating versus fasting on gene expression in fat tissue in response to […]