Tag Archives: prebiotics

Eating fiber-rich food helps to lose weight

intake contributes to healthy aging

Eat more fiber. You’ve probably heard it before. But have you wondered why and how the fibers are good for you? Fiber is a carbohydrate that our body cannot digest. Fiber comes in two varieties: soluble and insoluble. Both are good for you. Soluble fiber dissolves in water, slows digestion and helps to lower glucose […]

Black tea shrinks guts by working inside them

You’re likely familiar with the fact that green tea has been linked with weight loss, but a research out of the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) shows that black tea can also blast away the fat by working through a different mechanism. It is known that compounds in green tea called polyphenols are smaller […]

Aging gut bacteria linked to age-related diseases


Our gut is inhabited by a huge number of different kinds of bacterial species.  The bacterial species that are present can vary from person to person.  As we age, the composition pf bacterial species changes and often become imbalanced.  A study from the University Medical Center Groningen, Netherlands, published in journal Frontiers in Immunology, suggests that the imbalances in […]