Monthly Archives: June 2022

Why You WANT Sugar in Your Pre-Workout

Sugar and benefit

Sugar has a bad reputation. It is well earned since ingesting too much sugar can cause serious health problems like obesity and diabetes. However, there is a difference between eating cookies on the couch and taking a handful of gummy bears before working out. Athletes and those who exercise regularly can benefit from eating sugar before working out.

Why You Shouldn’t Drink Your Pre-Workout

You Shouldn’t Drink Your Pre-Workout

There’s nothing like the feeling of a solid workout where you not only reached your goals but exceeded them. However, you know that doesn’t happen every time you exercise because, well, you’re human. But, many athletes and workout enthusiasts are reaching for a pre-workout supplement to give that extra boost of energy and performance. It’s not just anecdotal evidence that supports pre-workouts. The Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition published a study reporting that combining a pre-workout supplement with a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout significantly increased workout gains.

Why Am I So Tired All the Time? And How to Stop It

Why so tired

Occasional fatigue is a normal part of life, but if you’re tired all of the time, there could be a few different reasons why. It might be as simple as not getting enough sleep or exercise, or you could have an underlying health issue. Whatever the reason, it’s time to solve the problem of feeling tired all of the time and help you have more energy.