Category Archives: Blog

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Supports a Healthy Brain

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Supports a Healthy Brain

There is mounting evidence that a diet containing omega-3 fatty acids not only helps prevent cardiovascular disease but may also help prevent depression. New research has shown that increasing omega-3 consumption reduces incidence of neurological and immune disorders. The relation of omega-3 fatty acids — mainly DHA (docosahexaenoic acid and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) — and […]

Seattle Beauty® Tip: Midnight snacking makes you more susceptive to photo-aging

TV snacks

I am a night owl — meaning midnight snack is a must. Various surveys showed that about 20-30% of the US population operates on a night owl schedule. If you are a night owl who plans to sunbath the next day, you might want to think again before reaching for that midnight snack bowl. A […]

American ginseng reduces blood sugar

The use of herbals in North America has increased dramatically over the last decade and ginseng is one of the most widely-used ones. The name “ginseng” refers to American (Panax quinquefolius) as well as Asian or Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng) — both belong to the genus Panax and have a similar chemical makeup. Both Asian […]

Low glycemic index diet is better for the health: not all calories are created equal

Many people experienced weight re-gain after a big weight loss.  Research shows that only one in six people could maintain even 10 percent of their weight loss long-term. The phenomena remained to be an enigma until researches showed that weight loss often triggers a dramatic decrease on the rate at which people burn calories (i.e., […]

Seattle Beauty® Tip—adopting a scientifically sound skincare regime for a problem free skin

We spend a lot of money on skincare products – and there are plenty of those to spend money on. From anti-aging serums to acne medications, many of us apply various lotions, creams and medications to our skin. Have you ever wondered if the sequence in which we apply skin care products influence how well […]

Goji berry reduces exercise-induced oxidative stress

Goji berry, also called Lycium barbarum, Fructus lycii or Gouqizi, has been used as a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for thousands of years.  In TCM literature, the herb is known for balancing “Yin” and “Yang” in the body, nourishing the liver and kidney and improving visual acuity. Goji berry fruits have a variety of biological […]

Soda may be bad for your brain and the diet soda could be worse

We love sodas. According  to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost one-third of Americans drink at least one sugar-laden soda or other sweetened drinks every day.  We love the cool and sizzling sweet taste of the soda, which comes mostly from “high fructose corn syrup,” a main sweetening ingredient in soda drinks. […]

How to Overcome Postpartum Depression With Exercise: Walking Back to Happiness

Postpartum depression (PPD) is undeniably distressing. And this isn’t helped by the fact that finding appropriate treatment can be difficult. Women often dismiss antidepressant drugs due to the risks associated with breastfeeding and psychological therapy can be perceived to carry social stigma. But there’s a very natural and easy treatment that can suit everyone: exercise […]

Exercise keeps your brain fit

We have now discovered many benefits of exercise for cardiovascular health, weight loss, stress management, and mood lifting. Mounting evidences are suggesting that exercise can boost brain function and protect against dementia. This makes great physiologic sense: increased blood flow to the brain means more oxygen and nutrients in and toxins out. But are those […]

Ginkgo may protect brain against stroke damage

A stroke occurs when blood flow to brain tissues is disrupted, killing brain cells by robbing them of oxygen and nutrients. The most likely cause is blockage of an artery in the neck or head. When a portion of the brain is damaged, patients are often left with some disability, such as paralysis, loss of […]