Tag Archives: fitness

Tips for safe strength training

Strength training is important for everybody, regardless of age or gender. Strength training helps shed excess fat, maintain healthy bone mass and prevent age-related muscle loss, which can start as early as your 30s if you do not actively counteract it. Strength training should be a part of any comprehensive exercise program. The following tips help […]

Include warm-up and cool-down in your exercise routine

The perfect exercise routine involves the right mix of cardiovascular and strength training. Whether your exercising goal is weight loss, body-building or strength training, you should always include a warm-up session (to warm up the muscle and prevent the sports injury) and a cool-down session (to reduce the muscle cramp). Warm-up Warming up pumps nutrient-rich, […]

Strengthening Your Relationship Through Exercise

Did you know that the perfect training partner could be one who can offer you emotional support, rather than strictly practical? The benefits of exercising with a partner (or even a larger group) have long been discussed. From the motivational benefits to the opportunity to learn new techniques and making sure you never miss a session – all […]