Seattle Beauty™ Tip: Beautify from inside out with woman’s ginseng Angelica Sinensis

Chinese herbal medicine is rich in knowledge and tips for skincare.  Several years ago, I spent several weeks of my spare time studying and translating the skincare and dermatology chapter of the Shennong Bencaojing (Chinese: 神农本草经; also know as The Classic of Herbal Medicine), a classic herbal medicine book written by the mythical Chinese sovereign Shennong around 2800 BC. […]

Low-salt diets may only be beneficial for people with high blood pressure

A large worldwide study has found that, contrary to the popular thought, low-salt diets may not be beneficial and may actually increase the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and death compared to average salt consumption. In summary, the study suggests that the only people who need to worry about reducing sodium in their diet are […]

Seattle Beauty™ Tip: Drinking tea to a perfect skin and a greater health

Best Teas

I admit that I have a “drinking” problem—I am addicted to green tea!  For me, it’s a taste that I’ve grown used to.  My dad was a big tea drinker.  As far as I could remember, the only “water” form I drank is tea, starting from daddy’s cup, of course. Green tea is packed with […]

Why do we age— gene, mutation and wear and tear

In our past posts, we discussed two predominant theories of aging—oxidative damage caused by free radicals and age-related natural hormonal decline. This post will cover a few remaining theories on aging. The genetic theory of aging: Anecdotally, we’ve all noticed that some people age better than others. A few weeks ago, I was at a […]

Seattle Beauty™ Tip: Essential oil facial message for a radian skin


Skin needs to be nourished. Well-nourished skin maintains good elasticity and moisture level, which slows down the aging process and helps to achieve healthy and younger looking skin. Regular facial message allows good blood circulation to the skin, which leads to firmer, more radiant skin with minimized fine lines and wrinkles. You will need message […]

Mannitol, a unique sugar, could potentially treat Parkinson’s disease


Mannitol is a sugar alcohol produced by fungi, bacteria, and algae. According to a report published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, researchers from Tel Aviv University have found that mannitol prevents “bad” clumps of the protein, α-synuclein, from forming in the brain — a process that is characteristic of Parkinson’s disease. After identifying the […]

Seattle Beauty™ Tip: Drinking flower teas for radiant skin from the inside out

rose water

I am a big fan of flower teas. I like the taste of flower tea, the aroma of it, and the look of it. Nothing beats the peaceful moment when I curl up on the couch with a glass of flower tea inhaling the steaming flowery aroma and watching the pink petals slowly sink to […]

Seattle Beauty™ Tip: Fight aging and diseases with ginger


At the Seattle Gummy’s lab, scientists often try different flavor combinations for the new products in the pipeline. Every once in a while, we office folks will get a batch of products with different flavors and are asked to vote for the best flavor. And, every single time, ginger flavor wins! Originated in Asia, ginger […]