Tag Archives: energy qube

How you rest matters: squatting or kneeling are healthier resting position than sitting

Boost your energy while running

Sitting for hours a day is linked to many health risks, including cardiovascular disease, likely because it involves low muscle activity and low muscle metabolism.  A USC-led team has shown that resting postures such as squatting and kneeling involve higher levels of muscle activity then chair-sitting, and these more active rest postures may help protect people […]

Yoga helps body to deal with stress and reduces systemic inflammation

Ohio State University researchers in the journal Psychosomatic Medicinereported that regularly practicing yoga exercises may reduce the level of inflammation that normally rises because of both normal aging and stress.  Specifically, the study showed that women who routinely practiced yoga had lower amounts of the inflammatory factor, cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6), in their blood.  In addition, they also showed […]