Tag Archives: ginger

Ginger and Cancer: Is Ginger Good for Prostate Cancer?

Ginger and Cancer

Ginger has been credited with therapeutic and preventive powers in a long history of herbal medical application.  Loaded with nutrients and bioactive compounds, the herb is claimed to be among the healthiest spices on the planet.  Modern research has just provided one more reason for you to add this herb into diet. It seems that […]

Daily ginger consumption eases muscle pain by 25 percent

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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, exercising has a variety of benefits, including weight loss, stronger bones and muscles, stronger mental health and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes and some cancers. However, exercising has some common adverse effects as well, which include muscle pain and soreness. While ginger had […]

Exercise not only makes you stronger, it makes you smarter too

run happy

Exercise not only makes you stronger, it makes you smarter too