Tag Archives: running

Regular exercise can cut your diabetes risk

Regular exercise can cut your diabetes risk

Diabetes is a disease in which your blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels are too high. It is the most common metabolic diseases in modern society. It turns out that exercise can reduce your risk of developing diabetes. People who carry out an hour of moderate to vigorous exercise every day can reduce their risk of […]

Exercise interval training in particular helps your mitochondria stave off old age

We all know that exercise keeps us healthy: it boosts the immune system, keeps the mind sharp, helps with a good sleep, maintains muscle tone, extends healthy lifespan, and overall makes us feel good and look good. Have you ever wondered if all exercises are created equal? At least, on the benefit of anti-aging, they […]

6 Ways to improve Your Running Speed

Your Running Speed

Guest post by David Dack Whether you’re a beginner runner or have been around the block for a few years, sooner or later, you’re going to want to improve your running speed. In fact, in the world of running, the fastest runners are often the most successful. However, increasing running speed is easier said than […]

Running protects brain from the damaging effects of chronic stress

Running Protects Brain

We all know that getting a little exercise helps when dealing with stress. A study conducted by researchers from the Brigham Young University (BYU), published in the journal of Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, discovers exercise — particularly running — while under stress helps protect your brain.  Specifically, BYU researchers found that running mitigates the negative impacts […]