Category Archives: Blog

Where Did Pumpkin Spice Come From?

The smell and taste of pumpkin pie in unmistakable, and until recently a completely unavoidable part of fall. Everything has been pumpkin-spicified (including our own pumpkin spice Mocca Shots). Where does it come from, what is it made of and are there any benefits to indulging in that pumpkin spice latte? Pumpkin spice isn’t a […]

Connection between stress and autoimmune disease affirmed by research


We’ve all experienced stress manifesting in physical symptoms. For example, you may notice that your allergies or asthma get worse when you are stressed. You may wonder whether the stress from work is making the allergy or asthma attack worse. Wonder no more: a massive study spanning 30 years of data and examining over one […]

Dark Chocolate Boosts Memory and Mood

Move It Or Lose It!

You’ve probably heard ad nauseum how important it is to keep moving throughout the day and that our sedentary lifestyles are linked to myriad health issues. So here are some tips to help you stay mobile: 1. Incorporate walking in your commute: Try parking your car further away from the office, or if you take […]