Mocca Shots High Caffeine Gummies Enter into Fleet Feet Sports

SEATTLE, Washington – Continuing its mission as the center of local running communities, Fleet Feet Sports has become the most recent retail partner for Mocca Shots High Caffeine Gummies by Seattle Gummy Company (SGC). Begun in 1976 by two women – Sally Edwards and Elizabeth Jansen – both teachers and best friends, Fleet Feet Sports ( […]

Connection between stress and autoimmune disease affirmed by research


We’ve all experienced stress manifesting in physical symptoms. For example, you may notice that your allergies or asthma get worse when you are stressed. You may wonder whether the stress from work is making the allergy or asthma attack worse. Wonder no more: a massive study spanning 30 years of data and examining over one […]

Seattle Gummy Company Launches Highest Concentrated Caffeine Product Available

Mocca Shots deliver dark chocolate flavor, one cup of coffee’s worth of caffeine each SEATTLE, Aug. 9, 2018 — Seattle Gummy Company (SGC) recently launched Mocca Shots™, a new product with the highest caffeine concentration available on the market. Each Mocca Shots™ dark chocolate gummy packs 100 mg of caffeine, the equivalent of a regular cup of […]

Seattle Gummy Gains China FDA Approval to Sell Nutraceuticals in China


SEATTLE, Washington − Seattle Gummy Company (SGC), a Seattle Washington based nutraceutical and pharmaceutical company, has gained Chinese government approval for its China subsidiary to sell nutraceuticals in China. Unlike US, China regulates the commercialization of a nutraceutical product as a drug product.  Any commercial entity that desires to commercialize nutraceutical products must pass a […]

Regardless of caffeine sensitivity, it is good for you

Various studies in North America, Europe, and Asia have shown consistently that coffee drinking reduces mortality, including deaths from cardiovascular disease and some cancers.  However, for some people who are sensitive to caffeine, coffee drinking can cause unpleasant side effects such as jittery, heart palpitation, anxiety and nervousness.  Therefore, there are concerns about coffee’s health […]

How does exercising make your muscles bigger and stronger?

Skeletal muscles such as biceps, pectorals, and quadriceps are the muscles attached to the skeleton; they are responsible for pulling the skeleton and generating movement—they are literally how we move. These muscles are composed of very long, thin cells that include the full sets of cellular components needed for general functions. However, more than 90 […]

Building a strong core with overall exercise plan

Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy

The core is the mid section of your body including the torso muscles and their corresponding ligaments and tendons.  It is in this section that all sport and functional movements originate.  Core muscles allow you to control your center of gravity, which has a direct impact on balance and posture.  Strong core muscles make it […]

Functional Fruit Products Enter into Tacoma Boys Supermarket

SEATTLE, Washington – With a focus on the locally sourced products, Tacoma Boys supermarket chain stores have become the most recent retail partners for Functional Fruit Multivitamin Fruit Bits by Seattle Gummy Company (SGC). Tacoma Boys ( is a family owned business committed to providing local community the highest standard of specialty markets for more than […]