Microdosing Caffeine: Is It Safe?

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Caffeine microdosing is becoming a widespread practice these days. The idea behind microdosing is to get the positive benefits of a substance like caffeine, with less or zero of its side effects, by taking it in tiny amounts over time. Caffeine’s adverse side effects include feeling jittery and sweaty, an energy spike, and an energy crash. However, microdosing caffeine shows a lot of promise. While most commonly consumed in amounts ranging from 40-100mg, recent research has shown that amounts as low as 9mg have psychoactive effects. Further research shows that taking smaller amounts of caffeine still positively affects cognitive function. 

How Safe is Microdosing Caffeine?

To discuss the safety of caffeine microdosing, let’s talk about caffeine itself and caffeine sensitivity. Caffeine is generally considered safe when taken at the recommended amount of about 400mg daily. Since we are talking about small doses of caffeine, it’s safe to say that microdosing caffeine within the recommended amounts (outside of specific health conditions) will pose no serious harm to your health. 

However, everyone has a different level of sensitivity to caffeine. Some people enjoy more than 400mg of caffeine each day and feel no ill effects. Others can have a cup of green tea (30-40mg of caffeine) and be buzzing all day. When planning your caffeine microdosing, consider your caffeine tolerance/sensitivity level for the best results. For example, if you are very sensitive to caffeine, “microdosing” with two cups of full-strength coffee over the whole day could still leave you feeling jittery. 

Microdosing Caffeine: What Does it Do?

Caffeine microdosing encourages you to change your perspective on how you take caffeine. Many of us gulp coffee or energy drinks like filling up a gas tank for steady energy throughout the day. This results in caffeine entering your body in a rush, leading to the energy spike and crash many of us are familiar with. 

By microdosing caffeine, you take smaller amounts at steady intervals throughout the day. This results in steady caffeination without the huge spike of gulping down a cup of coffee or tea. Constant levels of caffeine mean access to the many benefits of caffeine, like improved mental performance and having an easier time paying attention. And, instead of a dramatic drop in caffeine levels, microdosing allows you to keep your energy level steady for longer. 

Why Try Microdosing Caffeine?

  1. If you’re sensitive to caffeine but still need energy.
  2. If you’re trying to avoid energy spikes and crashes.
  3. If you need steady energy and focus throughout your day.
  4. If you’re trying to lower your caffeine intake while retaining its positive effects.
  5. If you want the other health benefits of caffeine, such as its immune and sports performance-supporting abilities. 

How Much Do You Need to Microdose Caffeine?

As long as you consider your caffeine tolerance and sensitivity level, there are a couple of ways to approach caffeine microdosing amounts. 

  1. Use the same amount of caffeine as usual, but spread it evenly throughout the day. For example, if you drink 2-3 cups of coffee daily, that’s 200-300 milligrams of caffeine. Try drinking your coffee more slowly; a plug-in mug warmer or an insulated coffee cup makes this more pleasant. This applies even if you are sensitive to caffeine—if you max out at two cups of green tea, drink your usual two cups more slowly throughout the day.


  2. Try using less caffeine than usual and spread it throughout the day. Using the example above of an average of 200-300 milligrams, try drinking coffee in the morning and sipping on black or green tea for the rest of the day. You’ll still be getting caffeine’s energetic and cognitive benefits but using less can help you find the amount of caffeine you need for its effects. 

Is Microdosing Caffeine Effective?

Yes, studies are showing that even small amounts of caffeine have psychoactive effects. Earlier, we mentioned a study showing that 9mg of caffeine still has a stimulant effect; other studies show the same results at doses of 3mg or lower. Microdosing caffeine can help you find your perfect caffeine dose.

Microdosing Caffeine with Caffeine Gummies

But how do you microdose on the go? Many of us drink our coffee or energy drink in the morning because that’s the only time we have to do so. Often sipping a beverage slowly over time isn’t a practical option for many people. Or maybe you want something a little easier than coffee or tea. That’s where caffeine gummies come into play. Caffeine gummies, like the Mocca Shot energy gummy from Seattle Gummy Company, make caffeine microdosing easy. Each Mocca Shot gummy has 100mg of caffeine—about the same amount as a strong cup of coffee. Eat part of a gummy throughout the day to easily keep your caffeine levels steady. Mocca Shots come in a resealable pouch, making eating part of a gummy simple. No going to the break room or the corner store—Mocca Shots are ready when you are!