Less REM sleep tied to greater risk of dementia


People who get less rapid eye movement (REM) sleep may have a greater risk of developing dementia, according to a study published in the August 23, 2017, online issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. There are five stages of sleep. Stage one is light sleep. Stage two is when the […]

Seattle Beauty® Tip: herbal mask for acne-prone skin

Peeled horse chestnut 25 g, butter 2 g, beewax 1g, avocado oil 20 g, Glycerol 7g, plantain seeds 0.8 g.   Add water to bring the total mixture to100 grams. Pulverize the mixture with a blender to make a paste with a soft consistency. Plantain seeds are a well-known Chinese herb. The popularity of the herb […]

Managing calf strain for runners

recover gummy

Calf strain is a common injury among runners. A calf strain is a tear of the muscle fibres of the muscles at the back of the lower leg. Calf injuries usually occur as a result of a sudden pushing off movement or from excessive over-stretching of the calf muscles as demonstrated in jumping activities or […]

Mediterranean diet may reduce breast cancer risk

A preliminary study in JAMA Internal Medicine reported that older women in Spain who ate a traditional Mediterranean diet enhanced with extra-virgin olive oil were less likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer. The breast cancer study was bootstrapped onto a landmark clinical trial in Spain called Prevención con Dieta Mediterránea (PREDIMED).  In 2013, the first results […]

Seattle Beauty® Tip: achieve a healthy and rosy complexion with longan fruit

Longan fruit is a common Chinese herb prescribed to women for its blood warming and beautifying effect. The fresh fruit is juicy and sweet with a round black shiny seed inside surrounded by white succulent pulp. Because the fruit resembles the eye of legendary dragon, hence the fruit is named “Dragon’s eye” in China. Dried […]

Strengthening Your Relationship Through Exercise

Did you know that the perfect training partner could be one who can offer you emotional support, rather than strictly practical? The benefits of exercising with a partner (or even a larger group) have long been discussed. From the motivational benefits to the opportunity to learn new techniques and making sure you never miss a session – all […]

Vegetarian diets twice as effective in reducing body weight

peach mango

Dieters who go vegetarian not only lose weight more effectively than those on conventional low-calorie diets but also improve their metabolism by reducing muscle fat, according to a study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. The study was conducted by the researchers at the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in Washington DC. […]

Seattle Beauty® Tip: try healthy and plant dye for stunningly beautiful hair


Back in college years, I went through a “red hair” phase – I was fascinated by my friend’s warm red hair gleaming beautifully in the sunlight and had decided to dye my naturally black hair to red.  That was the first time I used a chemical dye – I could still remember the chocking chemical […]