The perfect exercise routine involves the right mix of cardiovascular and strength training. Whether your exercising goal is weight loss, body-building or strength training, you should always include a warm-up session (to warm up the muscle and prevent the sports injury) and a cool-down session (to reduce the muscle cramp). Warm-up Warming up pumps nutrient-rich, […]
A massive umbrella study published in the British Medical Journal has concluded that moderate coffee intake is generally safe for most of the population. The review examined over 200 meta-studies on the health effects of coffee consumption and concluded that three to five cups a day looks to be the safest maximum volume one should consume. The […]
The investigation into the holistic effect of the gut microbiome on the human body has been continuously expanding in the past 10 years. We are rapidly discovering that the vast communities of bacteria that live in our gut are actually playing roles in everything from Multiple Sclerosis to depression. Two additional studies have now found connections between the […]
Ginkgo biloba has a long history of use in treating blood disorders and memory issues. In Chinese traditional medicine, Ginkgo biloba is often used for cognitive enhancement or to alleviate cognitive decline. The extract of the Ginkgo biloba is rich in antioxidants such as flavonoids and terpenoids. Laboratory studies have shown that the extract improves […]
Here at the Seattle Gummy Company, we’re always looking for ways to incorporate gummies into everyday items—or as we say, to “gummyize” things. Instead of making a cookie gummy, which doesn’t sound too nice, we decided to stick some Functional Fruit into a classic: oatmeal raisin cookies. The result is Functional Cookies; what follows is […]
Caffeine has well-known short-term stimulating effects on central nervous system, but the long-term impacts on cognition have been less clear. Scientists from Indiana University (IU) just gave those of us, who live on coffee and tea, another reason to enjoy that steaming cup of mocha. It turns out that caffeine not long gives you that […]
Skin is the biggest organ in our body. It functions as a barrier protecting the body from harmful external environment factors such as mechanical damage, noxious substances, microorganism invasion, and radiation. In addition, the skin controls the water loss from the body and regulates body temperature. Appearance of the skin is primarily determined by the […]
Those who exercise to lose weight often wonder whether it’s better to eat or fast before a workout. A new study published in the American Journal of Physiology — Endocrinology and Metabolism is the first of its kind to show the effects of eating versus fasting on gene expression in fat tissue in response to […]