Author Archives: Connie Wan, Ph. D.

Immune System Boosters: What Ingredients to Look for In Supplements

Ingredients to Look for In Immune System Boosters

A healthy immune system helps enhance life. Avoiding the circulating bugs and viruses surrounding us means less time lost to being sick, which is inconvenient and deeply uncomfortable. A healthy immune system also means that if you do get sick, you’ll be sick for less time and less severely. In this article, we’ll discuss how to boost your immune system along with ingredients to look for in immune system vitamins.

Natural Energy Supplements: How to Boost Your Energy Naturally This Summer

Boost Your Energy Naturally

Summer is the season for outdoor fun and play. But what if your energy levels are low? Low energy can make accomplishing the necessary things each day a challenge, to say nothing of having some juice leftover to have fun. If you’re dealing with low energy this summer, keep reading because we will discuss some natural energy boosters.

Why You WANT Sugar in Your Pre-Workout

Sugar and benefit

Sugar has a bad reputation. It is well earned since ingesting too much sugar can cause serious health problems like obesity and diabetes. However, there is a difference between eating cookies on the couch and taking a handful of gummy bears before working out. Athletes and those who exercise regularly can benefit from eating sugar before working out.

Why You Shouldn’t Drink Your Pre-Workout

You Shouldn’t Drink Your Pre-Workout

There’s nothing like the feeling of a solid workout where you not only reached your goals but exceeded them. However, you know that doesn’t happen every time you exercise because, well, you’re human. But, many athletes and workout enthusiasts are reaching for a pre-workout supplement to give that extra boost of energy and performance. It’s not just anecdotal evidence that supports pre-workouts. The Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition published a study reporting that combining a pre-workout supplement with a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout significantly increased workout gains.

Why Am I So Tired All the Time? And How to Stop It

Why so tired

Occasional fatigue is a normal part of life, but if you’re tired all of the time, there could be a few different reasons why. It might be as simple as not getting enough sleep or exercise, or you could have an underlying health issue. Whatever the reason, it’s time to solve the problem of feeling tired all of the time and help you have more energy.

8 Ways to Have Consistent Energy Throughout the Day

consistent energy throughout

Fatigue is a worldwide problem, with about 20% of adults reporting persistent fatigue throughout their days. If you’re wondering how to have more energy throughout the day, you are not alone. In this article, we’ll discuss why you might be tired and ways to have more energy.

Why Do I Keep Falling Asleep at My Desk? And What To Do About It

Falling Asleep at My Desk

Depleted energy levels and daytime fatigue plague many people in America. It is a huge issue that impacts people’s quality of life and work. For some people, this issue can become extreme. Many workers are struggling with fatigue to the point where they’re nodding off during the workday, and waking up wondering “Why am I falling asleep at my desk?”. In this article, we’ll explore why you might be falling asleep at your desk and what you can do about it.

How to Stop Waking Up Tired

Stop Waking Up Tired

If you’re wondering how to stop waking up tired, you are not alone. Many people are struggling with waking up tired, even if they had enough hours of sleep that night. This can be extremely frustrating and make daily life even more challenging. There may be a simple reason for why you’re waking up tired. We’ll explore reasons for waking up tired, and ways to wake up energized in this article.