We are electrical beings. Your body uses electricity to enervate your heart, command your lungs to breathe, and power your thoughts and emotions. Electrolytes are tiny, charged mineral particles that your body uses to conduct electrical charges, which power vital, life-giving bodily functions like heartbeats and hydration. Electrolytes are generally discussed in the context of hydration, which is essential for health, safety, and performance. But what are electrolytes? Let’s take a deeper look at these charged minerals and the role they play in your body.
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Energy and electrolyte chews are popular with athletes and workers alike. Physical exertion, especially in the heat and sun, can take a lot out of you, and it takes balanced fuel and electrolytes to get you back on track.
Caffeine is a natural stimulant found in over 60 plant species across the globe and is enjoyed by billions of people safely on a daily basis. Coffee, tea, and caffeine gummies are popular caffeine sources used for energy and health benefits.
Developing an effective recovery routine after exercise is as important as the workout itself. Effective recovery helps your muscles heal and grow, prevents soreness, and supports your energy levels. If your exercise routine leaves you sore and tired, or you want to increase your performance, consider these helpful recovery tips from the fitness experts here at Seattle Gummy (SGC).
Caffeine microdosing is becoming a widespread practice these days. The idea behind microdosing is to get the positive benefits of a substance like caffeine, with less or zero of its side effects, by taking it in tiny amounts over time. Caffeine’s adverse side effects include feeling jittery and sweaty, an energy spike, and an energy crash.
Whether working out in the gym, the yard, or competing in an endurance event, staying hydrated is essential for your physical health and safety and for achieving peak performance. Electrolytes are minerals that help your body stay hydrated.
Defeat fatigue the next time you work out or compete with the power of combined hydration and fuel! Hydration is vital for peak physical performance, whether working out in the gym or running a marathon. Dehydration, in addition to tanking physical and mental performance, can be dangerous, especially during endurance sporting events.
Chronic inflammatory diseases are ranked by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the greatest threat to human health. While acute inflammation is a natural, protective bodily response to infection, irritants, or injury, if it becomes an ongoing state, it may cause several diseases, including autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.
Your energy is important; it’s how you care for who and what’s important in your life. Modern life places unprecedented demands on us humans, all requiring precious energy. Energy chews are a quick and effective way to boost your energy during the day.