Category Archives: energy

How To Fight Fatigue and Recover Quickly After Working Out

HydraFuel Pouch

Developing an effective recovery routine after exercise is as important as the workout itself. Effective recovery helps your muscles heal and grow, prevents soreness, and supports your energy levels. If your exercise routine leaves you sore and tired, or you want to increase your performance, consider these helpful recovery tips from the fitness experts here at Seattle Gummy (SGC).

Microdosing Caffeine: Is It Safe?

mocca variety

Caffeine microdosing is becoming a widespread practice these days. The idea behind microdosing is to get the positive benefits of a substance like caffeine, with less or zero of its side effects, by taking it in tiny amounts over time. Caffeine’s adverse side effects include feeling jittery and sweaty, an energy spike, and an energy crash.

What’s in HydraFuel Electrolyte Gummies?

Hydrafuel Pouch

Defeat fatigue the next time you work out or compete with the power of combined hydration and fuel! Hydration is vital for peak physical performance, whether working out in the gym or running a marathon. Dehydration, in addition to tanking physical and mental performance, can be dangerous, especially during endurance sporting events.

Boost Energy Levels to Smash Your New Year’s Resolutions!

mocca variety

Making New Year’s resolutions shows that you have goals, focus, and want to be better. We think you’re great as you are now, but we can help you reach your goals. What if you could boost your energy levels instantly and over the long term? That would make smashing your New Year’s resolutions easier, wouldn’t it? Let’s talk about ways to boost your energy so you can easily reach your goals.